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31 - 40 of 55 for Fit
But presumably as time progresses it will tend to become more integrated, with systems that we have created eventually being able to fit quite interchangeably into our usual biological or mental setup.
But in fact this is not true, and instead the system works a bit like a puzzle in which there is only one way to fit in each piece.
For while class 4 is above class 3 in terms of apparent complexity, it is in a sense intermediate Rare examples of borderline cellular automata that do not fit squarely into any one of the four basic classes described in the text.
But now if one tried to lay out all these nodes in one dimension it is inevitable that the network would have to bulge out in order to fit in all the nodes.
The pictures on the next page show what happens if one again scans from left to right, but now one performs all replacements that fit, rather than just the first one.
But in a sense a structure that corresponds to a particle will normally not fit through this path.
Yet the kinds of programs I have discussed in this book are not in any obvious way set up to fit in with this formalism.
But the point is that if the structure of the models is simple enough, and fits in well enough with what can be implemented efficiently on a practical computer, then it will often still be perfectly possible to find out many consequences of the model.
But inevitably we tend to notice only those features that somehow fit into the whole conceptual framework we use.
And the only way we will normally become convinced of its validity is by understanding how some whole chain of consequences can lead to purposes that happen to fit into our own specific personal context.