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Some integer functions can readily be obtained by supplying integer arguments to continuous functions, so that for example Mod[x, 2] corresponds to Sin[ π x/2] 2 or (1 - Cos[ π x])/2,
Mod[x, 3] ↔ 1 + 2/3(Cos[2/3 π (x - 2)] - Cos[2 π x/3])
Mod[x, 4] ↔ (3 - 2 Cos[ π x/2] - Cos[ π x] - 2 Sin[ π x/2])/2
Mod[x, n] ↔ Sum[j Product[(Sin[ π (x - i - j)/n]/ Sin[ π i/n]) 2 , {i, n - 1}], {j, n - 1}]
(As another example, If[x > 0, 1, 0] corresponds to 1 - 1/Gamma[1 - x] .)
(Examples of more difficult cases include HypergeometricPFQ[a, b, 1] and StieltjesGamma[k] , where logarithmic series can require an exponential number of terms.
For a cylinder, there are difficulties with boundary conditions at infinity, but the drag coefficient was nevertheless calculated by William Oseen in 1915 to be 8 π /(R (1/2 + Log[8/R] - EulerGamma)) .