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Sierpiński pattern
Other ways to generate step n of the pattern shown here in various orientations include:
• Mod[Array[Binomial, {2, 2} n , 0], 2]
(see pages 611 and 870 )
• 1 - Sign[Array[BitAnd, {2, 2} n , 0]]
(see pages 608 and 871 )
• NestList[Mod[RotateLeft[#] + #, 2] &, PadLeft[{1}, 2 n ], 2 n - 1]
(see page 870 )
• NestList[Mod[ListConvolve[{1, 1}, #, -1], 2] &, PadLeft[{1}, 2 n ], 2 n - 1]
(see page 870 )
• IntegerDigits[NestList[BitXor[2#, #] &, 1, 2 n - 1], 2, 2 n ]
(see page 906 )
• NestList[Mod[Rest[FoldList[Plus, 0, #]], 2] &, Table[1, {2 n }], 2 n - 1]
(see page 1034 )
• Table[PadRight[ Mod[CoefficientList[(1 + x) t - 1 , x], 2], 2 n - 1], {t, 2 n }]
(see pages 870 and 951 )
• Reverse[Mod[CoefficientList[Series[1/(1 - (1 + x)y), {x, 0, 2 n - 1}, {y, 0, 2 n - 1}], {x, y}], 2]]
(see page 1091 )
• Nest[Apply[Join, MapThread[ Join, {{#, #}, {0 #, #}}, 2]] &, {{1}}, n]
(compare page 1073 )
The positions of black squares can be found from:
• Nest[Flatten[2# /.
Note that in effect, h x gives the information content of spatial sequences in units of bits per unit distance, while h t gives the corresponding quantity for temporal sequences in units of bits per unit time.
I had never expected it would take anything like as long, but I have discovered vastly more than I ever thought possible, and in fact what I have done now touches almost every existing area of science, and quite a bit besides.
Indeed, the presence of exponentially increasing errors would make the bottom of the picture on page 157 qualitatively wrong if just 64-bit double-precision numbers had been used.
DES takes 64-bit blocks of data and a 56-bit key, and applies 16 rounds of substitutions and permutations.
But in fact this is not true, and instead the system works a bit like a puzzle in which there is only one way to fit in each piece.
But perhaps most crucial for me was that the process was a bit like what I have ended up doing countless times in designing Mathematica: start from elaborate technical ideas, then gradually see how to capture their essential features in something amazingly simple.
So this means that a picture like the one below can be viewed in a remarkably literal sense as being a spacetime diagram of particle interactions—a bit like a Feynman diagram from particle physics.
In typical voice coders (vocoders) 64k bits per second of digital data are obtained by sampling the original sound waveform 8000 times per second, and assigning one of 256 possible levels to each sample.
In this pattern, the color of a particular cell can be obtained directly from the digit sequences for t and n by 1 - Sign[BitAnd[-t, n]] or (see page 583 )
With[{d = Ceiling[Log[2, Max[t, n] + 1]]}, If[FreeQ[ IntegerDigits[t, 2, d] - IntegerDigits[n, 2, d], -1], 1, 0]]